VUB Caroline Pauwels Relief Fund is one year old

One out of five VUB students need additional support at some point during their studies. VUB rector Caroline Pauwels set up the Relief Fund last year to offer students financial, material, social and psychological support at such times. “When students experience difficulties, talent, effort and dedication are not enough to obtain a degree,” says Caroline Pauwels. “The mission of my Relief Fund is to guarantee equal educational opportunities. That is how we make our society more resilient and inclusive.”

The fund provides limited and temporary support for national and international students for whom VUB’s existing social services are insufficient or inaccessible. €225,000 was collected for the fund in less than a year, thanks to the efforts of the VUB Foundation and the support of 1,450 alumni, staff members, sympathisers and enterprises.

Students testify

Five students who were able to continue their studies thanks to the support of the Relief Fund tell their story here anonymously:

James (25): ‘I had calculated everything except covid 19.’

Angèle (24): ‘All my savings are gone.’

George (26): ‘A friend lent me a bike so I could ride for Uber.’

Kofi (24): I couldn’t make money when football stopped.’

Fernando (25): ‘There were a lot of days I thought of quitting.’

About the VUB Foundation

The VUB Foundation raises philanthropic funds from enterprises, organisations and individuals. The VUB Foundation’s policy is based on the philosophy that for every philanthropic gift, there is a societal return. “Our goal for the VUB Caroline Pauwels Relief Fund is ambitious but also simple,” says VUB Foundation staff member Erkut Gultekin. “To raise as much funds to help as many students as possible. #LeaveNoOneBehind.”